Well, we're now firmly in to November, and the temperate has certainly dropped! We've had a few frosty mornings, and without a central heating system, trying to keep the house warm is proving costly! The log burner has certainly been a bit of a saviour, and although the lounge is still far from finished we've spent many days and evenings sitting in front of it. We've also caved and really started to use the electric heaters in the key rooms (predominantly the master bedroom), but the house is cold....! Both of us can see our own breath when in the bathroom...and there is condensation and dampness forming...the utility room has gone as low as 6 degrees (I think even the fridge is shivering)...and so, it's time to start solving the cold problem! If you've followed us from the beginning and watched any of our YouTube videos, you'll know we have all sorts of plans for renovating our beloved bungalow (an update blog to follow in the coming weeks) and as p...
Our very own Escape to the Country. Em and Rich, Molly the spaniel and Milo the moggy. Fixing up a 1960s' bungalow and trying to learn how to take care of a mature garden. Lifestyle, garden and renovation. Oxfordshire/Warwickshire border