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Showing posts from August, 2017

Picnics and Plans

After a chilled weekend of puppy parties and picnics in the sun, our first draft of architects plans have arrived! We actually really enjoyed a more chilled weekend this bank holiday and spent time actually enjoying our garden rather than working on it which was so refreshing. Its a fine line when you have a high maintenance and mature garden between spending every minute in it weeding, pruning, digging and chopping and actually sitting back, appreciating and enjoying it. Time to smell the roses and all that...! So we just popped to our local M&S food hall and bought a load of really yummy picnic bits and spent some time just chilling in the sun with the dog! The scotch eggs from the deli counter were incredible!! We also had red onion chutney topped pork pies...I as really enjoying mine until the spaniel decided to claim it! Anyway more excitingly....this weekend marked the arrival of the first draft of architects plans! I cannot express how exciting this is fo

Cake Theft and Carnage

Bank holiday weekends are a welcome treat...and the August bank holiday is particularly precious, being that it's the last one of the year before Christmas... I started mine early and took Friday off work so that I could feel well rested over four days...and even booked a facial at the local spa/salon (don't judge me!!). We even ended up rather spontaneously going to look at (and putting a deposit on) a replacement car for me (the rear wheel drive aspect of my current car is proving somewhat problematic living down a farm track) - so a relatively chilled and fulfilling Friday.  A nice relaxing start to Saturday too...lazy morning, finished watching a film (John Wick 2) that we'd started on Friday night...bit of tidying and some brunch (standard egg and bacon sandwich)...Rich mowed the lawn and we looked forward to friends coming over with their 12 week old pointer puppy to do some socialising with our spaniel in our lush and spacious garden.  And that's when

Fire, Bears and Bats

Another weekend spent working in garden has passed and another missed vlogging opportunity! The plan has always been to vlog along side this blog - the problem being that both Rich and I are the sort to just 'crack on' so we forget to film! We WILL get better at this though. So Sunday was another day of chopping and pruning and I finally decided to say goodbye to the 'Bears Breech' which has done really well all summer, but as we near the end of August it's flowering heads had started to wilt and the leaves sadly had a white powdery mildew on them (do I sound like I know what I'm talking about yet...?). The decision was made to prune it right back the base - I am just rally hopeful that it winters well and that it grows successfully again next year....any tips on this much appreciated! I think it's tidied up the view from the bedroom too for now...I am REALLY looking forward to watching the seasons change here - literally cannot wait for Autumn! We

Where to Start and Incredible Garden!

Another gloriously British Summer morning in Warmington...the gentle tapping of the rain on the window and the flat grey sky remind me that we're in mid August! We've been in the bungalow now for 4 months...although I feel so calm and settled here it feels like we've always lived here. It's always hard to know where to start with something such as a blog - who knows where it will go and what stories it will tell. All I know is that this is the beginning of an incredibly exciting journey for us (and by us I mean me Emma and my best pal and husband Richard - together we are Em and Rich!), and that with the ability to tell our story at my finger tips why not document it - if nothing else we can look back on this when we're old and grey! As I sit in the most peaceful part of the house, which just so happens to be my bed facing out on to our gorgeous mature garden I always have such a mix of feelings. I feel incredibly fortunate that we have secured such a magica